Hospice care is a philosophy of care that accepts dying as a natural part of life. When death is inevitable, hospice seeks neither to hasten nor postpone it but to provide the resources to insure, as best they can, that the final life experience is supported by knowledgeable professionals.

Choosing hospice, as well as choosing your hospice provider are important decisions for end-of-life care. There may be several hospice organizations that serve your community. It is important to find out about the services that each hospice offers.

Determining if a hospice is right for you may best be learned from interviewing different hospices and talking to those you trust who are familiar with hospice programs in your area. Resources for information about hospice care in your community include:

  • Physicians, nurse, and other healthcare professionals;

  • Social workers, clergy, and other counselors;

  • Friends or neighbors who have had direct experience with hospice care;

Other resources available for your research include:

  • Local or state office on Aging or senior centers;

  • Various medical and health-related Internet sites;

  • Your local yellow pages or directory information;

  • National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization's Help Line 800.568.8898 to find a hospice;

Once you determine that you want to use a particular hospice, communicate your decision to your physician. Below is a list of questions you should consider when finalizing your decision:

* What services are provided? * What kind of support is available to the family/caregiver?
* What does the hospice volunteer do? * What roles do the attending physician and hospice play?
* How are services provided after hours? * How does hospice work to keep the patient comfortable?
* How and where does hospice provide short-term inpatient care?
* Can hospice be brought into a nursing home or long-term care facility

To learn more about Harbor Hospice and to see whether hospice is the right answers for you or a loved one, please call (855)542-726

Who is Beacon Hospice

Beacon Hospice is much more than a place. We are devoted to giving each family a gift when they need it most...quality of life for our patients when they are facing life's greatest challenge.

At Beacon Hospice our commitment to excellence is reflected in our core values. Conveying these values throughout the organization with excitement and passion by word and action is what drives us.

“The gift of hospice is its capacity to help families see how much can be shared at the end of life. It is no wonder that many families can look back upon their hospice experience with gratitude.”

- Naomi Naierman, CEO AHF